Other pests


There are a number of beetles that could cause problems in homes or commercial premises and we’ll be able to advise on the best solution to deal with them. Once they have been identified we will know they’re likely to be feeding or breeding on and can move forward with a practical solution for removal.

Stored Product Pests

There’s a range of insects that eat stored foods; from flour mites to rice and grain weevils. Treatment usually involves a fog or mist being blown into the space but this isn’t designed to offer a long term barrier and is usually repeated at intervals or combined with other techniques to remove the problem, a methodology called Integrated Pest management (IPM). Stored Product pests – as the name suggests – are more usually associated with industrial premises but they are sometimes found in homes.


Earwigs, caterpillars, woodlice, spiders: there’s a list of other animals that are often classed as pests but, generally, they don’t cause a ‘Public Nuisance’ or carry disease (a pest is broadly defined as something that causes Public Nuisance). Some things get a particularly bad press at certain times of the year – False Widow Spiders are a typical example – and they often present far less of a risk than the media might like you to believe! However, we’re only a phone call away if you want some reassurance or advice.


No, of course we’re not seriously suggesting we can proof your home against children – we just added this for a bit of fun! However, children do need to be kept at a safe distance, especially when we’re dealing with the more aggressive kinds of pests (wasps, for example). We’re happy to allow them to watch and will always try to make time to answer any questions they have.